Operations Department

In 2022, we have overcome the vagaries and constraints of the market to meet our customer commitments. We are really proud of this performance.


Development and finalisation of the START range

Development of new products

Significant investments

202 332
customer projects completed

Ambitions for 2023


Schmidt Groupe’s Operations Division is driven by its mission of producing the most varied projects for our customers while fulfilling the relevant efficiency principles (compliance with cost, quality and delivery objectives).

This was a real challenge in 2022, which was a particularly contrasting year with plenty of twists and turns, including peaks in consumption, shortages of raw materials and electronic components (appliances and parts for machine maintenance), and other unforeseen incidents. We have demonstrated that we are capable of adapting to those changes, maintaining our driving force, offering the necessary resilience and honouring our commitments. For example, in 2022, Schmidt Groupe delivered 132,000 kitchens on time. We are really proud of this performance.

Development and finalisation of the START range

The new START range at Cuisinella was launched mid-2021, but it had not been fully developed. We took the product’s design back to the drawing board and we overhauled the production processes with the aim of raising the performance bar even higher. The work involved was especially intense and absorbing, but also innovative. Many of the company’s functional areas converged their efforts towards the same goal, such as the design, logistics, configuration, IT, fit-out and production teams. Then we developed the range in the market and began scaling it up, while making the necessary adjustments to such a vast Group-wide project. Teamwork was instrumental in achieving such a brilliant result!

Development of new products

The Euroforum event, which was held in November 2022, takes place every two years and allows the Group to present the new Schmidt and Cuisinella products to the entire network. This event mobilised all the Product Development teams in the broadest sense of the word, namely marketing, sales, technical operations, design, methods, production and quality. All these teams worked in perfect harmony to develop the new 2023 product lines. Our completion and availability rate for these products has increased from 85% to approximately 95%, which is a clear improvement! All that remains is to translate our efforts in 2023 into customer sales…

Another highlight in 2022 was our ability to keep up with the explosive 20% growth in the home design sector (fitted wardrobes and interior solutions) by drawing on our real expertise. We produced and delivered 70,332 projects in 2022 in this particular sector.

Significant investments

In an effort to achieve the growth ambitions in our 2030 strategic plan, we invested €35 million in 2022 to renovate our obsolete lines and ramp up our unit assembly capacity. Part of the investments also went towards promoting CSR and reducing our impact by switching over to water-based lacquer and cardboard packaging.

Ambitions for 2023

Pursue our medium-term investment strategy, which is key to guaranteeing our future performance and keeping pace with the market!

We want to continue developing new products and services for our global business, i.e.:

  • Distribute new product lines and improve the appliances range
  • Give increasing focus to all our customers’ needs
  • Enhance customer satisfaction

We have also produced an ambitious energy savings plan for 2023. These are just some of the challenges that we are tackling with confidence, experience and assurance.

Our mission

Schmidt Groupe’s Operations Division is driven by its mission of producing the most varied projects for our customers while fulfilling the relevant efficiency principles (compliance with cost, quality and delivery objectives).

This was a real challenge in 2022, which was a particularly contrasting year with plenty of twists and turns, including peaks in consumption, shortages of raw materials and electronic components (appliances and parts for machine maintenance), and other unforeseen incidents. We have demonstrated that we are capable of adapting to those changes, maintaining our driving force, offering the necessary resilience and honouring our commitments. For example, in 2022, Schmidt Groupe delivered 132,000 kitchens on time. We are really proud of this performance.

Development and finalisation of the START range

The new START range at Cuisinella was launched mid-2021, but it had not been fully developed. We took the product’s design back to the drawing board and we overhauled the production processes with the aim of raising the performance bar even higher. The work involved was especially intense and absorbing, but also innovative. Many of the company’s functional areas converged their efforts towards the same goal, such as the design, logistics, configuration, IT, fit-out and production teams. Then we developed the range in the market and began scaling it up, while making the necessary adjustments to such a vast Group-wide project. Teamwork was instrumental in achieving such a brilliant result!

Development of new products

The Euroforum event, which was held in November 2022, takes place every two years and allows the Group to present the new Schmidt and Cuisinella products to the entire network. This event mobilised all the Product Development teams in the broadest sense of the word, namely marketing, sales, technical operations, design, methods, production and quality. All these teams worked in perfect harmony to develop the new 2023 product lines. Our completion and availability rate for these products has increased from 85% to approximately 95%, which is a clear improvement! All that remains is to translate our efforts in 2023 into customer sales…

Another highlight in 2022 was our ability to keep up with the explosive 20% growth in the home design sector (fitted wardrobes and interior solutions) by drawing on our real expertise. We produced and delivered 70,332 projects in 2022 in this particular sector.

Ambitions for 2023

Pursue our medium-term investment strategy, which is key to guaranteeing our future performance and keeping pace with the market!

We want to continue developing new products and services for our global business, i.e.:

  • Distribute new product lines and improve the appliances range
  • Give increasing focus to all our customers’ needs
  • Enhance customer satisfaction

We have also produced an ambitious energy savings plan for 2023. These are just some of the challenges that we are tackling with confidence, experience and assurance.


committed selection

Schmidt and Cuisinella’s sustainable range of appliances and plumbing items


At the Euroforum in November 2022, Schmidt Groupe presented its “Committed Selection”: a range of appliances and plumbing items that is respectful of the environment and has been listed since 2023 in all Schmidt and Cuisinella showrooms.

In this way, the Group and its brands are showing their clear commitment to guaranteeing that customers benefit from expertise, transparency, improved traceability of product origin and higher performance in terms of quality, durability, repairability and sustainability.


Impact 2022

“Protect forests and biodiversity and take steps towards net zero based on scientific data.”


Ambitions 2023

Define a decarbonisation pathway and a corresponding action plan
  • We intend to continue our work with Icare in order to align the Group’s decarbonisation pathway with that of the Paris Agreements while respecting the SBT methodology.
  • We wish to establish dedicated governance and working groups focusing on the three key areas: circular economy, energy and transport. The working groups will consist of sector-specific experts and will be responsible for developing and rolling out an ad hoc action plan in each of these areas.
Optimise data collection
  • We want to roll out tools that make it easier for suppliers to describe the composition of the materials used for production and in their trade products as well as their traceability.
  • We will acquire a single tool to bring together all the data relating to the different labels, accreditations, statutory obligations, suppliers, ESG, as well as the carbon, energy and materials footprints.


Ambitions 2023

  • Roll-out of the “Inspiring Working Spaces” real-estate project through the opening of a Work Café in Lièpvre in January and then in Sélestat in the second half-year, together with a new restaurant and sports room in Lièpvre.
  • Continuation of efforts to encourage soft mobility that is respectful of the environment by working together with public and private regional stakeholders, while also:
    • Continuing to fund car-sharing in order to reduce the number of solo commuters and encourage responsible car use. At 1st March 2023: 198 car-sharers/ 37,594 km / 8.6 tonnes of CO2 saved.
    • Developing a sustainable mobility plan that meets the specific needs imposed by the location of our production sites.
  • Strengthening of the Group’s inclusivity strategy through a dedicated action and awareness plan.


Ambitions 2023

  • To develop the brands’ strategy and message of responsibility in the light of their distinctive characteristics and in harmony with the Group’s CSR strategy.
  • To continue the work in the field of the circular economy that we have undertaken in partnership with Okoni in order to extend the brands’ responsible product and service offerings.
  • To develop a preventative eco-design plan and participate in industry working groups on reuse and  reparability.
  • To familiarise the Schmidt and Cuisinella network with the statutory obligations of showrooms in connection with the law against waste and for the circular economy (AGEC), and the Climate and Resilience law.


Ambitions 2023

  • An extended partnership with Emmaüs: in early 2023, to complement the long-standing partnership that has bound together Schmidt Groupe and Emmaüs since 2009 through the donation of appliances and trade goods, the Information Systems Division signed the Emmaüs Connect Charter and made an initial donation of 160 items of IT equipment: PCs and mobile phones
  • Nearly 15 years in partnership with SOS Children’s Villages: as the 15th year of our partnership with the association approaches in 2024, Schmidt Groupe and its brands intend to support the association’s plans to develop further and open 14 new villages by 2030 and to welcome more than 650 children and young people over the next seven years.
  • Raising awareness among internal stakeholders: we intend to continue the roll-out of the Climate Fresk tool
  • Inclusivity: roll-out of a disability plan in collaboration with Agefiph Grand Est
  • Raising awareness in the Network along three dimensions:
  1. the upstream commitments of the Group and the brands among prospects as well as throughout the existing network
  2. concerning information relating to their statutory obligations
  3. on how to develop their own approach to impact assessments.
  • Working group on the law against waste and for the circular economy (AGEC) and the Climate and Resilience law: the working group will continue to monitor, roll out and follow-up the introduction of statutory obligations, including the CSRD.
  • Preparation of the documentation required for the creation of the Schmidt Groupe Foundation, which will be inaugurated in 2024


Impact 2022

“A work environment that promotes well-being and performance”


Impact 2022

“Eco-designed human living spaces that respect the environment”


Impact 2022

“Supporting projects that make a difference in each of our locations”


actions 2022

Committed sponsorship measures in Alsace

As a family-owned company with its roots in Alsace, Schmidt Groupe is determined to contribute to the social, societal and economic development of this region. The  Group’s sponsorship strategy is the perfect illustration of this and demonstrates its clear desire to prioritise the ecosystem and the network of local associations in order to take concrete measures to improve the quality of everyday life.

75.35% of the donations made in 2022 were therefore paid to associations, institutions and organisations in the Alsace region, i.e. €984,538 out of a total of €1,306,691.

The remaining 24.65% was distributed between two other vital causes in the common interest: environmental protection in partnership with WWF France and the protection of children in cooperation with SOS Children’s Villages.

  • Combating poverty and precariousness with Emmaüs

As a long-standing partner to the Group, Emmaüs was the major beneficiary, receiving 84 % of the available local support, that is to say the equivalent of €828,798 in appliances, furniture and home equipment.

  • Support for higher education and research

As a foundation dedicated to scientific cooperation that has been recognized as being in the public interest, the Strasbourg University Foundation collects donations for the Jean-Marie Lehn Foundation,

Europe’s leading centre for chemical research. Its mission: to find answers to the great societal challenges of improving quality of life, finding sustainable ways of producing and consuming, communicating and travelling differently thanks to renewable energies or a new generation of recyclable materials. As a major donor and a member of the Foundation’s “Golden Circle”, Schmidt Groupe financed €70,540 worth of work in 2022. At the same time, the Group also supports the “Customer Relations Experience” Company Chair of the EM Strasbourg Business School and the HEC Foundation, contributing a total amount of €25,000.

  • Supporting socially responsible commitment in practice

Because enjoying a better quality of life in one’s region means benefiting from resources and infrastructures that allow everyone everywhere to develop and flourish, showcasing and preserving traditions, supporting those in the greatest need, encouraging inclusivity, overcoming disease… Schmidt Groupe considers it a duty and an honour every year to support the projects and initiatives of those who spend their lives working in the community. €27,700 have been distributed to some thirty cultural, sporting, educational and charitable associations and local communities.

… and also at the national level

  • With SOS Children’s Villages for the protection of children

Since 2009, Schmidt Groupe has enjoyed strong, long-lasting relations with SOS Children’s Villages and makes a financial contribution to the association every year in the same way as its Schmidt and Cuisinella dealerships. In 2022, the total amount of the donations made by Schmidt Groupe and its distribution network came to €151,653.

  • With WWF France to help protect the forest environment and the biodiversity it harbours

In 2022, Schmidt Groupe  teamed up with Erige to help fund the rewilding of a wood in Brenne at the heart of the Chérine Nature Reserve and support WWF France’s Nature Impact projects. Monplaisir is home to a number of interconnected ecosystems, including ponds, marshes, peat bogs and undergrowth, as well as an endangered population of woodpeckers, bats and beetles, all of which need to be studied and protected. The NGO is also accompanying the group in its decarbonisation strategy. Total amount of donations in 2022: €150,000

A community-based approach to regional life

  • Roaring with the Lions of SAHB

Did you know that in July 2022, Sélestat was named the “Sports City of Eastern France” by the Eastern France Regional Olympic and Sports Committee? Schmidt Groupe, whose largest production site is situated in the town, numbers many sports enthusiasts amongst its workforce and, since 2022, has sponsored the Sélestat Alsace Handball club (SAHB) to the tune of €35,040. The total amount dedicated to sporting associations was €38,040.

  • AC:TIONS: together, we go further

Schmidt Groupe is a member of the AC:TIONS network (a network dedicated to making central Alsace a region of industries and organisations driven by innovation and solidarity). The network was set up by a group of about a dozen entrepreneurs from central Alsace, including Anne Leitzgen, in order to encourage the sharing of experience between the employees of the area’s businesses and the co-construction of projects.

In 2022, a dozen or so of the Group’s employees took part in working groups focusing on the issues of energy, the carbon footprint, HR & recruitment, quality of life at work, mobility, purchasing, logistics and other aspects of mobility… with the aim of putting their ideas into action in cooperation with their counterparts from some forty businesses from central Alsace.

  • Coq Vert Pathfinder: a challenge for bosses with a mission

Named as a “Pathfinder” of the Coq Vert community by Bpifrance and Adème for its exemplary CSR approach in May 2022, Schmidt Groupe is helping to speed up the ecological and energy transition by sharing concrete actions and good practices with the other companies in its community. What all these companies have in common is that they are headed up by committed leaders who share the same vision and are determined to successfully transform their businesses.

Raising stakeholder awareness


  • “CSR By Schmidt Groupe”: the film

Shown for the first time at Euroforum in Madrid to an audience of Schmidt and Cuisinella dealers, this film, which was produced on the Schmidt Groupe premises in Alsace by the Adesias agency, showcases the company’s values and CSR commitments. It sends a powerful message which is reiterated, one after the other, by the Group’s CEO Anne Leitzen, company employees responsible for production, human relations and innovation, as well as by a partner-dealer who testifies to his commitment to the local community.

  • Euroforum 2022: a unique CSR forum to communicate with the network

3,600 members of the Schmidt and Cuisinella networks took part in the Schmidt Groupe Euroforum in Madrid in November 2022. This was the occasion for Anne Leitzgen to present to the owners and salespersons in the audience the key aspects of the Group’s CSR strategy, its ambition to obtain B Corp certification and thus join the community of companies that contribute most positively to the planet and to pass on some key messages. It was also an opportunity for brands to showcase the products and services that they have developed for their consumers with the aim of encouraging responsible behaviours and lifestyles.

  • Pre-boarding of employees and future showroom owners

Because CSR is a powerful driver and an area in which the Group and its brands are able to stand out and make a difference, the focus in 2022 was placed on introducing future employees and potential dealers to the Group’s culture. This is an indispensable prerequisite for ensuring consistency and cohesiveness in everything we do and say, both within the company and in our communications with end customers in the showrooms.

  • The Climate Fresk: a fun tool for raising awareness

After being won over by an initial workshop run by Bpifrance to mark the “Coq Vert Pathfinder” award ceremony in May 2022, the CSR Committee, with the support of Schmidt Groupe CEO Anne Leitzgen, decided to train as Climate Fresk facilitators to help roll this tool out to all the Group’s employees: 1,693 people in France and 205 abroad. An ambitious goal taken on by eight initial internal facilitators in 2022 in order to raise employees’ awareness of the social, societal and environmental repercussions of human and industrial activity and to hear from each department what concrete measures they would like to see implemented.

Leading by example: by prioritising the participation of the Management Committee and the managers within the Group, the CSR Committee wants to facilitate the deployment of the tool to all the teams. The actions proposed during the various Fresk sessions are categorised on the basis of their subject matter, passed on to the project leaders and systematic feedback is given to the participating teams.

  • “Eco-responsible event” charter: follow the guide

To limit our carbon footprint, it is necessary to establish and share good practices. All the Group’s major events are held under the Éco Manifestations Alsace label. What is more, the Communication and CSR Division has designed and rolled out an “Eco-responsible event” Charter  intended for the Group’s internal event organisers. Premises, service providers, food, decoration, printing, waste, goodies, sharing of experiences… all of these areas are studied in detail in order to firmly establish good practices and share the details of the best suppliers.

  • Special “brilliance” days focusing on mailboxes

In July 2022, to familiarise users with the responsible use of digital tools, the Information Systems Division organised a competition intended to encourage everyone to delete unneeded emails in order to reduce their carbon footprint. As a bonus, there was also a tutorial and tips on the best practices to adopt: prefer chats to emails, share links via the network Cloud rather than sending attachments, etc.

  • Steering committee for the law against waste and for the circular economy (AGEC) and the law on Climate and Resilience: support for the monitoring of statutory obligations

The introduction of more stringent statutory obligations and, more specifically, the impact of the law against waste and for the circular economy (AGEC) and the law on Climate and Resilience on the company’s industrial and commercial activities brings with it a pressing need for anticipation, information, coordination and monitoring measures along the entire value chain.

A dedicated steering committee was set up in the final quarter of 2022.

Its role:

  • To anticipate the legal obligations
  • To train the stakeholders
  • To define and implement an action plan and an associated schedule
  • To identify obstacles and work cooperatively to find solutions
  • To make sure that the corresponding measures are rolled out to our production sites and throughout the network
Through these various actions, Schmidt Groupe is contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:


actions 2022

Objective: zero carbon

  • To define a pathway to carbon reduction in harmony with the Paris Agreements
Schmidt Groupe is committed to working towards avoiding emissions and reducing its carbon footprint in scopes 1, 2 and 3. It’s decarbonisation strategy focuses on three key areas: transport, energy and eco-design. WWF France is helping the Group define a decarbonisation plan that is consistent with the Paris Agreements and conceived in accordance with the Science-Based Target initiative (SBTi). First step in 2022: an internal audit conducted by the environmental strategy consulting company Icare, appointed by WWF France. 115 possibilities for decarbonisation were identified and three pathways to a low-carbon scenario were proposed.
  • To protect the diversity of forest ecosystems: a prerequisite for carbon sequestration
Schmidt Groupe is supporting an innovative WWF payment for ecosystem services (PES) initiative. The key idea here is to encourage the owners of forests which shelter endangered plant and animal species to take action to protect, sustainably manage or restore ecosystems, by paying them for helping to preserve the many services rendered to us by nature. Carbon sequestration also benefits from this initiative. Since 2021, Schmidt Groupe has worked together with another company, Hérige, to co-finance a pilot site located in the Brenne Regional Nature Park, near Châteauroux (36). This ecosystem is unique in terms of the quantity and variety of species that find shelter in it.
  • To look to the long term with WWF France’s Nature Impact project
The WWF’s Nature Impact project consists in the large-scale, nationwide generalisation of the PES forest model. The aim is to promote the conservation and restoration of 15,000 hectares of the country’s most biodiverse and threatened woodland to ensure the long-term storage of an additional 400,000 tonnes equivalent of carbon over a period of 30 years. In 2022, a third of the donations made by Schmidt Groupe to WWF France went to supporting this initiative.
  • Fewer trucks, less pollution

In 2022, Schmidt Groupe invested €30,000 to optimise the tonnage and reduce the distance travelled by and the carbon emissions from its trucks in order to achieve savings of 4.5 tonnes of CO2.

Responsible production


  • Water-based lacquer and cardboard packaging

In compliance with the law against waste and for the circular economy (AGEC), Schmidt Groupe is switching over to water-based lacquer and 100% cardboard packaging. The installation of an initial dedicated production line has made it possible to save 233 tonnes of CO2. The self-adhesive plastic-coated labels used to identify the products have been phased out and information is now printed directly on the cardboard.

  •  Responsible waste sorting, recycling and reuse

Each type of waste is dealt with by a separate specialist. The switch-over to 5-way waste sorting and the installation of dedicated containers have contributed to the recycling of metal cans, paper, cardboard cups and plastic bottles at all the French production sites. The Group is also able to meet all its heating requirements thanks to the chipping of wood offcuts left over from production operations. The ash from the boilers is itself recycled to produce concrete blocks.

As a partner to CitéoSchmidt Groupe contributes to the Paper sector of the circular economy and encourages the traceability of recycled paper and paper from sustainably managed forests. In 2022, the Group declared a total of 671 tonnes of paper and paid contributions of 43,615 euros, making it possible to finance paper collections from 42,500 inhabitants and recycle 510 tonnes of paper.

  • Energy production

24% of the Group’s energy consumption is covered by renewable energy sources. 80 electrical recharging points have been installed in the Group’s car parks along with solar panels, whose annual production of 120,000 kwh is equivalent to the amount consumed by 25 dwellings. This, coupled with the control of air leakages in the factories and the adoption of LED lighting, has reduced the amount of electricity needed to manufacture a kitchen by 2.5%.

Through these various actions, Schmidt Groupe is contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:


Actions 2022

Improving the impact of our products

  • The product lifecycle at the centre of attention

In 2022, the Schmidt Groupe Marketing department worked together with the Okoni agency, experts in the social and solidarity economy, positive-impact start-ups as well as Schmidt and Cuisinella dealerships to undertake an in-depth study of the circular economy. The key concepts revealed by this have led to a number of consumer tests and the work will continue in 2023.

  • Extension of the 100%-recycled range at Schmidt and Cuisinella

The Origin range at Schmidt and the Resource range at Cuisinella, both of which make use of 100%-recycled wood panels and were originally restricted to kitchen units, have been extended to include interior solutions for every room in the house. They represent a responsible, sustainable solution that will satisfy the most environmentally committed consumers.

  • An unparalleled selection of responsible appliances

With the market’s first Committed Selection of appliances and sanitary equipment, the Group’s two brands have established the transparency necessary to guide their customers towards responsible modes of consumption. Each product displays an eco-score depending on its environmental impact and its use of technologies designed to bring about more responsible consumer behaviours.


A strengthened responsible purchasing strategy

In 2022, Schmidt Groupe once again demonstrated the quality, balance and durability of the relations it has established with its suppliers over a period of 60 years by renewing its Sustainable Supplier Relations and Procurement LabelAll the buyers have been trained in our responsible purchasing culture and monitor CSR indicators, including:

  • the time taken to pay our suppliers: 27 days at Schmidt Groupe compared with the maximum period of 60 days allowed by law
  • the value of orders placed with the protected and sheltered employment sector: €2.25 million in 2022
  • the countries of origin of the raw materials used in order to guarantee sustainable sourcing and minimise risks
  • the average duration of supplier relations > 120 months

Additionally in 2022:

  • 93% of purchases of 200 raw materials and components were made in Europe, including 42% in France
  • More than 75% of products sold possessed a certification rating the
  • environmental impact of the product or its production process
Through these various actions, Schmidt Groupe is contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:



… to uncover all hidden potentials


Since 2009, the Schmidt and Cuisinella showrooms have made a donation to SOS Children’s Villages for every kitchen of six units or more purchased. These donations are distributed between specific actions depending on the brand.

Pygmalion programme for Academic Success

“Revealing the potential of home interiors and liberating that of its customers”… This is a mission that Schmidt was very well placed to transpose to the human level in the form of the Pygmalion Programme for Academic Success run by the association SOS Children’s Villages.

This programme, which was launched in 2014, maximises the talents and qualities of every child welcomed by the association and works with everyone involved in their upbringing to help put these children on the path for success. Each year, thanks to this programme, nearly 900 children and young people aged between 3 and 18 years benefit from weekly homework support, small-group workshops to develop their skills and self-confidence and a digital educational support platform. Individual support is offered for children with major learning difficulties.

In 2022, the donations made by the Schmidt showrooms helped finance:

  1. the recruitment of two academic educational staffto work part-time in the Marly and Neuville villages
  2. yoga and body psychotherapycourses to help children regain their self-confidence, overcome their fear of school and develop their motor abilities
  3. as well as the purchase of teaching equipment.

“Schmidt’s support has made it possible to ensure that the children in all the different SOS villages enjoy the same opportunities and are given the same chance of success.  *Extract from the SOS Children’s Villages report 2022.



… to keep brothers and sisters together in the SOS villages


Since 2009, Cuisinella has followed in the footsteps of Schmidt and the Schmidt Groupe by supporting SOS Children’s Villages. In keeping with its image as an inclusive family brand, conceived to unite people of different tastes and styles, it is very specifically committed to preserving the family bonds between the children and adolescents welcomed by the association.

The Cuisinella showrooms donate one euro to the association for every kitchen of six or more units sold in order to offer children who are separated from their parents a stable, reassuring living environment in family homes where brothers and sisters can grow and remake their lives together.

In 2022, the received donations made it possible to fit out a number of family homes and launch advertising campaigns.

  1. Châteaudun village: wall units in the kitchen of a family home + interior solutions for two bathrooms in another family home
  2. Maison Claire Morandat in Valenciennes: renovation of a shared kitchen in a living space for eight young adults living semi-independently and accompanied by an educational team.
  3. Jarville village: renovation of a kitchen in a family home.



Waste less, eat better, nothing left over


Cuisinella celebrated its 30th birthday in 2022. As the market leader in terms of brand familiarity, Cuisinella has gradually established itself as the affordable, innovative ambassador brand for improved consumer practices. From its eco-designed, professional chopping block to its vegetable rack, through the loose food unit and on to the innovative larder launched in 2022, Cuisinella offers its customers smart solutions that combine a healthier lifestyle with the obligation to promote sustainability in their everyday activities.



Four key values:

people, trust, innovation and sustainability

As a reference in the field of home design with a French touch, Schmidt has put people at the heart of its activities for more than 60 years and placed all its expertise and thirst for innovation in the service of optimised, personalised, sustainable and ethical living spaces.

Manufactured in Schmidt Groupe’s factories in accordance with the most exacting workplace health, safety and ergonomic requirements and in compliance with the very highest quality standards, Schmidt products possess all the labels, certificates and guarantees necessary to reassure consumers of their strength and durability.

At Schmidt, we believe that the home environment is an extension of the self – unique, reflecting the occupant’s personality and values. For the most environmentally committed customers, Schmidt has, in particular, developed the Origin range, which is manufactured from 100% recycled panels and has been available for all home interior applications since 2022, as well as its PRINT fronts whose patterns are printed using inks with zero VOC content.